Thursday, February 21, 2013

International Placement (Abroad)

Links for Change is a community interest company dedicated to providing skilled volunteers where they are needed most. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to take up key strategic roles with our partner charities around the world. We offer volunteers placement options tailored to their skills and requirements.

If you are looking to gain valuable experience in a role created by those who understand their needs most – our partner charities – Links for Change can help you find the perfect placement. We offer a comprehensive service that provides you with the personal level of support and advice you require.

We have a range of opportunities available in the following areas:

AgricultureAnimal rights and welfareCommunication and mediaConflict resolutionDevelopmentDisaster managementEducationEnvironment and conservationGenderHealthHuman RightsInfrastructureMicrofinanceRefugees and IDPs
Can't see what you're looking for? Contact us now to see if we can help you.


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