Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tezpur University

Tezpur University was established by an Act of Parliament in  1994. The objects of this Central University as envisaged in the statutes are that it shall strive to offer employment oriented and interdisciplinary courses to meet the regional to national aspirations and the development of the state of Assam and also offer courses and promote research in areas which are of special and direct relevance to the region and in the emerging areas in Science and Technology

Applications are invited for the following purely temporary positions in the DIT sponsored project ‘Digital Language Preservation’.

Project Scientist
No. of Vacancies : 01 Post
Salary : Rs 25,000/- p.m.
Qualifications : Ph.D. or equivalent in Linguistics. Experience in description /documentation of Tibeto-Burman Languages
Age limit : 28 years

Junior Project Scientist
No. of Vacancies : 01 Post
Salary : Rs 14,000/- p.m.
Qualifications : M.A. in Linguistics / M.A. in English with Linguistics as specialization OR M.A. in any subject, only for native speaker of one of the Tibeto-Burman languages of Arunachal Pradesh
Age limit : 28 years

How to apply:
Candidates can send in their application and bio-data, stating the post applied for, to the following email account: mmb@tezu.ernet.in. On the day of the interview candidates have to bring the original documents and a cover letter clearly stating the post applied for. The bio-data must include information regarding the candidate’s essential qualifications, specialization, experience, research work etc. Walk-in-interview will be held on 11 April, 2013 (Thursday), at 2.30 p.m. in the Room No. 264, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Tezpur University

Advertisement Details : http://www.tezu.ernet.in/ProjectWalkin/Advt_DIT145.pdf


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