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City, StateJobs By LocationAhmedabad Banglore Chandigarh Chennai Faridabad Gurgaon Hyderabad Kolkata Mumbai New Delhi Noida Pune HomeClerical JobsDeputy Registrar / Hindi Officer / Translator / Typist Jobs – Visva-Bharati University, SantiniketanPosted Date: March 30, 2012Various Vacancies at Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan for PG / Graduate / SSC Passed candidates. Apply Before 20th April 2012Name of the University: Visva-Bharati University, SantiniketanVisva-Bharati University, Santiniketan invites applications for the following posts:Job Number: 01
Job Designation: Deputy Registrar & Equivalent
Pay Scale: Rs. 15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay Rs.7,600
Educational Qualification: Post graduate degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. (i) Nine years’ of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of 6000 and above with experience in educational administration or, (ii) Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education, or, (iii)5 years’ of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post.
Age Limit: 45 YearsJob Number: 02
Job Designation: Hindi Officer
Pay Scale: Rs. 15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay Rs. 5,400
Educational Qualification: Post graduation in Hindi from a recognized university with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. English should remain as a subject at graduation level. 5(five) years experience of translation works from Hindi to English and English to Hindi (wherein translation of technical & scientific literature works will be preferred). Or 5 years experience of research or writing or journalism in Hindi.
Desirable: Knowledge of Sanskrit or any other Indian language.
Age Limit: 40 YearsJob Number: 03
Job Designation: Hindi Translator
Pay Scale: Rs. 9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay Rs.4,200
Educational Qualification: i) Post Graduation in English/Hindi from a recognized university and English/Hindi as a compulsory/optional subject or as medium of exam at Graduation level. ii) Recognized Diploma/ Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years experience in translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central/State Government and autonomous organization.
Desirable: Knowledge of Sanskrit or any other Indian language.
Age Limit: 30 YearsJob Number: 04
Job Designation: Hindi Typist
Pay Scale: Rs. 5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay Rs.1,900
Educational Qualification: i) Passed Higher Secondary (10+2) from a recognized School or Board. ii) Proficiency in type writing (Hindi) at a speed not less than 25 w.p.m.
Age Limit: 25 YearsLocation of Posting: SantiniketanApplication Fee: For posts at Sl. No. 1 & 2 Rs. 400/- For posts at Sl. No. 3 & 4 Rs. 200/- SC/ST candidates will be required to pay only 25% of normal application fee. Physically handicapped candidates (handicapped 40% or above) are exempted from payment of fees for forms. Attested copies of certificates issued by appropriate authorities are to be submitted for exemptions. Prescribed application form will be made available by post (against written request to ‘Registrar’s Office, Visva-Bharati, P.O.-Santiniketan, Pin- 731235’) if a candidate sends a self addressed and stamped (Rs 15) envelope (size 11 cm X 26 cm) along with an a/c payee Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India, Santiniketan Branch (2121), in favour of Accounts Officer, Visva-Bharati towards application fee as detailed below. I P O/Money Order/ postage stamps etc towards application fee will not be accepted. However, those who wish to collect forms personally may do so from the above office, after producing / submitting Cash Coupon (of required value) procured from the Cash Section of the University.General Conditions: Visva-Bharati reserves the right not to fill up the vacancy if circumstances so warrant. Selection for the posts may not be confined only to candidates who apply formally. Essential qualifications prescribed are the minimum and mere possession of them will not entitle applicants to be called in for interview. If the number of applications received in response to this advertisement is large and it is not convenient for the University to interview all the applicants, the number of candidates for interview may be restricted to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience. Qualification and experience may be relaxed at the discretion of the University. Relaxation in age and percentage of marks will be allowed, as per Govt. rules/orders to candidates belonging to reserved categories.Last Date To Apply: 20th April 2012Contact Address: Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan
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