Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kolkata Port Trust

jobs career sarkari naukri Kolkata Port Trust
Kolkata Port Trust remains one of the pioneering and most promising ports of India. It commands a vast hinterland that comprises almost half of the Indian states (whole of the eastern and north-eastern regions) and the two neighbouring countries - the Himalayan Kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan. It has two dock systems - Kolkata Dock System at Kolkata with the oil wharves at Baj Baj and Haldia Dock Complex at Haldia - have a combination of facilities with a lot of attractive packages.

Applications are invited for the following posts at Kolkata Port Trust :

Resident Medical Officer/House Staff

Number of vacancies : 04
Renumeration: Rs.20,000/- per month.
Qualification :MBBS degree from a recognized University/Institute with one year compulsory internship

Radio Officers
Number of vacancies : 03
Renumeration: Rs.20,000/- per month.
Age : Not exceeding 50 years
Qualification : IInd Class Certificate of Proficiency in Wireless Telegraphy issued by the Ministry of Communications along with GOC in GMDSS.

Number of vacancies : 01
Renumeration: Rs.12,000/- per month.
Age : 40 to 55 years on the date of application

Number of vacancies : 03
Renumeration: Rs.10,000/- per month.
Age : 40 to 55 years on the date of application

How to apply:
Applications furnishing detailed Bio-data, as per
following format, alongwith two recent passport size photographs, should be submitted in
sealed envelope superscribed “Application for ___________” by 17-00 hours on 15.7.2011 to “Secretary, Kolkata Port Trust, 15, Strand Road,
Kolkata-700 001”

For further details please visit :

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