Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kandla Port Trust

Jobs, Career, Sarkari Naukri at Kandla Port Trust
The Kandla Port Trust was created by law in 1963 to manage the Port of Kandla. Kandla port plays a major role in the country’s international trade. Having notched up a string of success, it has emerged as a forerunner, and has carved a niche for itself, by its steady growth and economy of operations.

Applications are invited for the posts of :

Number of post : 3 POSTS ( 1-SC, 2-OBC)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 29100-50500
Qualifications : Must hold a certificate of competency as Master of a Foreign going ship, granted under M.S. Act, 1958 or equivalent. Experience  as  Chief Officer on a foreign going ship or as  Executive Officer in Navy.
Age limit : Below 35 years

Number of post : 02 POSTS  (1-OBC, 1-ST)
Scale of pay: Rs. 29100-54500 for those with MOT 1st Class combined certificate/ Rs. 20600-46500  for those with MOT 2nd Class Certificate plus VDA & other allowances as applicable
Qualifications : First OR Second Class BOT / MOT Certificate of Competency as Marine Engineer (Motor) OR combined.
Age limit : Below 40 years.

Senior Medical Officer (Specialist)
Number of post : 01 POST (UR)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 20600-46500 + NPA plus VDA & other allowances as applicable
Qualifications : (i) MBBS degree from a recognized university (ii) a post graduate medical degree in General Surgery from a recognized university (iii) Post qualification experience of 3 years in a hospital in the relevant field of specialization.
Age limit : Below 40 years.

Medical Officer
Number of post : 01 POST (1-Physical Handicapped)
Scale of pay:Rs.20600-46500 + NPA plus VDA & other allowances as applicable.
Qualifications : (i) M.B.B.S degree from a recognized university (ii) One year experience in a hospital, after completion of  internship of one year. Desirable: A post graduate medical degree from a recognized university.
Age limit : Below 35 years

Law Officer Gr I
Number of post : 01 POST (UR)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 20600-46500 plus VDA & other allowances as applicable
Age limit : 40 years

Assistant Electrical Engineer (Floating Craft)
Number of post : 01 POST (01 - ST)
Scale of Pay : Rs.16400-40500  plus VDA & other allowances as applicable.
Age limit : 40 years

Personal Assistant
Number of post : 01 POST (ST)
Scale of Pay : Rs. Rs.16400-40500  plus other allowances as applicable.
Age limit : 35 years

How to apply:
Applications preferably type/computer written giving full particulars regarding post applied for, name of the candidate, address, nationality, religion, whether SC/ST/OBC, date of birth, educational qualifications and experience, with a recent passport-size photograph duly affixed thereon and accompanied by attested copies of all certificates and crossed Postal Order/DD of Rs.100/- payable to ‘KANDLA PORT TRUST, GANDHIDHAM (KUTCH) Pin code No. 370 201 should be made so as to reach to the SECRETARY, KANDLA PORT TRUST, POST BOX No. 50, GANDHIDHAM-KUTCH - 370 201 not later than 30/11 /2011.

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