Andhra Pradesh Directorate of Medical Education is an administrative body of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It overlooks the Medical Education in Andhra Pradesh through Medical Colleges. It is located at Koti, Hyderabad. There are 33 medical colleges, 13 dental colleges and about 100 paramedical centers functions under the directorate.
Directorate of Medical Education invites applications for the following posts:
Bio-Chemist (G)
Number of Positions: 09 (Nine)
Pay Scale: Rs.16,150-42,590/-PM
Educational Qualification: Must posses a M. Sc Degree in Bio Chemistry of a University of India established or incorporated by or under a central Act, or Provisional Act, or a State Act or an institution recognised by the university grants commission or an equivalent qualification.
Location : Hyderabad
Application Fee: Each application must be accompanied by D.D for Rs100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) drawn in any nationalized bank in favour of The Director of Medical
Education, A.P. , Hyderabad. Payable at Hyderabad. SC & ST candidates are
exempted from the pay ment of fee. The Fee once paid will not be refunded.
How To Apply :
Candidate may apply in the prescribed application format. Application not properly filled up or without required enclosures will not be considered. The duly filled in applications should be sent by the Registered Post with acknowledgement due / in person to the Director of Medical Education, Room Number 108, Sultan bazaar, AP, Hyderabad – 500195 “ super scribed by the post applied for, i.e., Biochemist (G). Last date for receipt of application is 5.00PM on 31.12.2011.
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