Monday, March 4, 2013

38 Unique Musical Websites for Bands and Musicians

Musicians and artists often struggle to come up with their own unique website idea. It is difficult because there are not many standards for building a music website. Often these are more free of the typical rules in web design, which allows artists to break outside the mold of normal website trends. This leaves room for lots of innovation and new unique ideas related to website interface design.

In this showcase I want to offer a series of 38 musical-based website layouts. These range from performers to bands, composers, writers, and many other concepts as well. The music industry is a tight-knit group who often share many of the same sentiments. I think it is an underrated area of web design which deserves a lot more attention.

california sacramento california music festival website

music band rhcp website hard rock roll

personal music website blog musician layout

juneteeth website layout ointerface musician inspiration

composer artist musician website layout design

chichester music academy website musicians layout

musicians musics inspiration layouts websites

composer artist band website layout inspiration

sou feliz website interface webdev musicians

sui paparude website interface layouts webdesign

guns n roses website musicians band rock n roll

band website layout photography backgrounds routalempimusic

osborne drums company sales ecommerce musician layout

musician website composer website artists

production company website music records

David Wise Musician Composer Donkey Kong Country OST

we want zedbazi music website layout inspiration

2013 musical website layout festival inspiration

classy website layout inspiration webdesign

Jimi Hendrix musician website layout inspiring webdesign

chris young music composer website layout

givers band website musical layout design

leeland band musical website layout interface

francesco musician composer website layout

siberia website musical lights inspiration

the devious means website layout

southbound website music festival layout

musical talents website milk hotels band

Ablerta Strige Krizevci musical website layout inspiration

marina the diamonds inspiration music layout

music band website paparoach musical

composer musician website layout interface

Japan 8tracks website musical website interface

bear mccreary website layout inspiration designs

piano jazz player website layout designs inspiration

george shaw music website composer layout

ahmad pianist musical player musician interface

whitacre composer musician website inspiration musical layout


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