Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Indian Tobacco Board

Indian Tobacco Board established in 1975 with its head quarters at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh with a view to bring about an all-round development to the tobacco industry. The Tobacco Board has implemented systems aimed at achieving product integrity and traceability, model project area and quality circles concept to improve the quality of tobacco leaf so as to meet the specifications of importers.

Applications are invited for the following post.

Field Officer
Number of Vacancies : 12 Posts
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 in PB-II with GP-4200
Qualification : B.Sc Agriculture
Age limit : below 30 years

How to apply:
Application on (A4 size) plain paper affixing the latest two passport size photos with complete ‘Bio-data giving Name, Father’s Name, DOB, Age as on 14/09/2012, Caste, Category to which applied i.e., S.C./O.B.C./UR post, Permanent address, Address for correspondence, Educational qualifications and experience, Employment Registration Number, etc., supported by copies of relevant certificates and caste certificate in the prescribed form along with a D.D for Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred only) drawn in favour of Secretary, Tobacco Board, Guntur should reach the undersigned on or before 14-09-2012 The envelope should be super scribed as “Application for the Post of Field Officer” and should be sent to the Secretary, Tobacco Board, P.B.No.322, Srinivasarao Thota, G.T.Road, Guntur – 522 004, Andhra Pradesh. Incomplete applications will automatically be rejected.

Advertisement Details : http://tobaccoboard.com/components/com_vacancies/pictures/ea1344507801.pdf


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